Let your customers
find & filter their
own finance options.
One application form for customers
and one integration for you.
Let customers compare and choose
the best finance option for them, with
our ready to install, state-of-the-art
multi-lender platform.
Dopple is a Trading name of Social Money Limited
authorised and regulated by the FCA. For this promotion Dopple
is acting only as a credit broker and not a lender
0161 676 9595
With one single integration you’ll be plugging in
to a much smarter solution that comes with multiple
ready-made lenders.
Applications are more often rejected because
they simply don’t meet the lender's criteria. More lenders
could mean more chance of approval for your customers.
so you should see a lot less refusals.
Dopple’s waterfall finance solution allows customers to filter
and choose their own finance options. Like a waterfall,
each applicant cascades down, one lender at a time, from prime
to subprime, giving the customer multiple chances for approval
and the best offer from our panel of lenders. With Dopple
you get more customers approved and less carts abandoned.
Need different types of lenders for your different types of customers?
Want a 2nd line lender to to catch your prime lenders’ refusals?
Want to declutter your checkout and simplify the customer journey?
Add the power of Dopple.
Spreading the cost of purchases fast became fashionable.
Resulting in checkouts becoming over-populated, and confusing.
With all those single lenders fighting for customers' baskets,
why not be smarter, partner with the platform that empowers customers
to pick their own preferences and choose what's right for them.
Dopple’s single point-of-sale plug-in comes with a panel of lenders,
from prime to sub-prime, providing the shopper with multiple chances
for approval giving them more reasons to choose Dopple at checkout.
Bring back simple, without the fear of losing sales.